Message boards : Predictor of the day

Message boards : Predictor of the day

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readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to zdenekjs for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1opd__LOGREG_ABRELAX_FRAG_040408_MKVCORRECTION2_SAVE_ALL_OUT_-1opd_-_BARCODE__3061_0
1 Admin 1933 12 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Slaine for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 5croA_LOGREG_ABRELAX_FRAG_040408_MKVCORRECTION_SAVE_ALL_OUT_-5croA-_BARCODE__3059_0
1 Admin 1968 11 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to anni for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit bench80_rozilla_abrelax_natfrag_1prqA_2986_0 !
1 Admin 1967 10 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to UW-Madison CAE (Team University of Wisconsin - Madison) for predicting the lowest energy structure for wo
1 Admin 1948 9 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to lordfrettchen for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit bench80_rozilla_abrelax_natfrag_1c7kA_2986_0 !
1 Admin 1997 8 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to VTC3 (Team VTC) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1scjB_LOGREG_ABRELAX_FRAG_04
1 Admin 1950 7 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Nebula (Team University of Washington) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit ubq27
1 Admin 1931 6 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Roddy (Team BOINC.Italy) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 2reb__LOGREG_ABRELAX_
1 Admin 2025 5 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to fermaker (Team CANAL@Boinc) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1cc8A_LOGREG_ABRELA
1 Admin 1924 4 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to bfreitas (Team Lawrenceville School) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit bench80
1 Admin 2003 3 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to AIMST for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit bench80_rozilla_abrelax_natfrag_1dzoA_2986_0 !
1 Admin 1943 2 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Caribbean Knight (Team BOINC.BE) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1gidA_BOINC_DE
1 Admin 1999 1 Jun 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to AZh (Team Rosetta@Linux Russia) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit t033__BOINC_
1 Admin 1981 31 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Will (Team UC Merced) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit t033__BOINC_PAIR13_RNA
1 Admin 2057 30 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to [ToP]Darkstar (Team Tears of Pain) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1gidA_BOIN
1 Admin 2002 29 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to BarryJ for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1dtj__BOINC_ABRELAX-1dtj_-051207__3001_0 !
1 Admin 1977 28 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to dejvicka for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1qx8__BOINC_SYMM_FOLD_AND_DOCK_RELAX-1qx8_-native__3004_0 !
1 Admin 1985 27 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to bojan76 (Team Fenix@Poland) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 2bti__BOINC_SYMM
1 Admin 1950 26 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Berardi_Runza (Team BOINC.Italy) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1rop__BOINC_
1 Admin 1954 25 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to BadThad (Team TeAm AnandTech) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1ehzA_BOINC_SEQSE
1 Admin 1994 24 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to NanoMan for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit t033__BOINC_PAIR2_RNA_ABMIN_SAVE_ALL_OUT_RNA_CONTACT-t033_-iloop34__3014_0
1 Admin 1990 23 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Rob Heilman [ECHO L@bs] (Team ECHO L@bs) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 2h3
1 Admin 2054 22 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Jonathan Gnagy for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit t028_1_NMRREF_1_t028_1_id_model_19_idl_2979_0 !
1 Admin 2030 21 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Andreev Alexandr (Team Russia Team) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1hz6A_TREEJ
1 Admin 1966 20 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to ROBiiE (Team 2Fast2Furious) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit score13_hb_envte
1 Admin 1968 19 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to ChaosDriven for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit t028_1_NMRREF_1_t028_1_id_model_08_idl_2979_0 !
1 Admin 1960 18 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to EdMulock (Team DSL Reports Team Helix) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit score13_
1 Admin 2013 16 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to VERNIER (Team MacOS X Users) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1opd__BOINC_ABINI
1 Admin 1985 15 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to ralf.augustin for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1acf__BOINC_ABINITIO__2984_0 !
1 Admin 1971 14 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Tobias Wallin for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1tul__BOINC_ABINITIO__2984_0 !
1 Admin 1976 13 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to jholmsbo for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1bq9A_BOINC_ABINITIO-1bq9A-051207__2977_0 !
1 Admin 1947 12 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Christopher_H_Lewis for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 2nzc__BOINC_ABRELAX-2nzc_-crystal_monomer_foldanddock__2938_0
1 Admin 1991 11 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Chris Rieger (Team Dutch Power Cows) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1utx__BOI
1 Admin 1906 10 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to philwags (Team Team MacNN) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit score13_hb_multite
1 Admin 1981 9 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Nebula (Team University of Washington) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit t027_
1 Admin 1936 8 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to VTC3 (Team VTC) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 2mlt__BOINC_ABRELAX-2mlt_-cr
1 Admin 2000 7 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Big-Buen (Team L'Alliance Francophone) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit t027_1_N
1 Admin 1919 6 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to ElementOfChaos for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit t027_1_NMRREF_1_t027_1_id_model_05_2934_0 !
1 Admin 1943 5 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to TimyboyB (Team Dutch Power Cows) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit t027_1_NMRREF_
1 Admin 1926 4 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Arild Ringøy (Team Team Norway) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit CFR_025_292
1 Admin 1862 3 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to XANDEEEEafk (Team Electronic Sports League (ESL)) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workun
1 Admin 1895 2 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Nebula (Team University of Washington) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit CFR_0
1 Admin 1809 1 May 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Jamil Razzaq for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1dcj__LOGREG_ABRELAX_SS_SAVE_ALL_OUT_-1dcj_-_BARCODE__2918_0
1 Admin 1872 30 Apr 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to SkiDawg for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit CFR_077_V5_relax_2937_0 !
1 Admin 1921 29 Apr 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to paulcsteiner for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1di2__LOGREG_ABRELAX_SS_SAVE_ALL_OUT_-1di2_-_BARCODE__2918_0
1 Admin 1838 28 Apr 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Sander (Team Estonia) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit score13_hb_envtest62_A
1 Admin 1900 27 Apr 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Dataman (Team SETI.USA) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit score13_hb_envtest62_A_
1 Admin 1930 26 Apr 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Rco Ibaizabal (Team for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1hz6A_LO
1 Admin 1955 25 Apr 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to vierasesine (Team The Knights Who Say Ni!) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 3bb
1 Admin 1947 24 Apr 2008
readPredictor of the day: Congratulations to Osmar Duran (Team USA) for predicting the lowest energy structure for workunit 1hz6A_LOGREG_ABRELAX_S
1 Admin 1918 23 Apr 2008

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