Rosetta preparedness for Atlantic Tsunami (maybe 4 to 6 weeks away from posting date...)

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Message 102377 - Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 17:35:20 UTC

Just exactly how prepared is Rosetta project for the Atlantic Tsunami event?

Here is a censored MJ-12 related sources public press statement on the matter, condensed....

== Atlantic OCEAN TSUNAMI // New Madrid Rift Coming ===
Issue 774; August 1, 2021
"Wave#2 Anticipation"

The ... predicted that the big New Madrid Adjustment would happen by the end of 2021 or shortly thereafter in early 2022. They stated that ahead of this big adjustment there would be predecessor adjustments that would come in waves.

Wave#1 occurred on May 8 when the Colonial Pipeline was forced to close where it crosses the Mississippi River and a truss on the I-40 bridge to Memphis snapped. Following that we had a refinery explode at the Ohio River headwaters, then a DC pedestrian bridge collapse and the SurfSide condo collapse. The SE Portion of the US cannot move and is poised to rip off. The emission maps showed the tension in the SE Portion on June 5.

Then the tension shifted to the Gulf of Mexico when a buoy throbbed for a day on July 8 along the path from the Pemex gas field explosion to New Orleans. This happened simultaneously to a major water main break at Jackson, MS.

The next day a cruise ship went aground in Kentucky while cruising the Cumberland River. The river bottom had shifted.

If Wave#1 focused on the SE Portion of the US to the EAST of the Mississippi River what will happen to that portion of the US to the WEST of the Mississippi River?

On that same day, July 8, a massive quake swarm on the California/Nevada border began. Notably, SO2 and CO emissions from rock shifting began to focus on western Canada, which sustained a crane collapse in BC.

Confirmation 7/31/2021: As was noted when the Pemex gas field exploded in an underwater eruption, and as we have stated since the start of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements, the New Madrid Adjustment will start its unzipping in Mexico.

Draw a line from the Mexico City/Pemex region to New Orleans and this line passes through the current active buoy location. This is very significant as this will soon destabilize the continental US near and above New Orleans. That the lowlands near Jackson, MS are shifting in step with the buoy warnings is not a surprise.

Beyond these signs that the rock in the western 2/3 of the N American Plate is shifting toward the Pacific are the signs of unease in the US and Russian governments. Hal Turner reports a rumor that filling station chains have been warned there will be a gasoline shortage soon, so the next delivery of gasoline might be their last.

There is a long North American Plate border running down through the Arctic, and when the North American Plate twitches, this could affect Siberia too. Thus the temporary closing of the Nord gas line and military exercises in Siberia look suspicious.

Why are some filling station chains suddenly getting a notice that gasoline delivery to them will soon stop? Their primary suppliers are getting a confidential notice from the US Military that there could be a gasoline shortage pending if the New Madrid Fault Line ruptures.

Sworn to silence to prevent panic if the public were to learn of this, these suppliers could not stop themselves from issuing what they thought was a confidential message to their clients. Their concern is that true emergencies would arise and leave the public without any means to escape a catastrophe. Thus, the 10% rule.
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Message 102378 - Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 18:25:31 UTC - in response to Message 102377.  

I always wondered where all those screwball ideas came from.
This helps explain it.
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Message 102382 - Posted: 11 Aug 2021, 1:29:00 UTC

I love this kind of stuff
Most of it is true
It`s just that when added together as a conspiracy theory it gives me that `2012 end of the world as we know it` feeling
Ho hum, ZZzzzzz
I just hope that all that crunching we did for seti@home duz find something :)
Then at least we can blame it on the aliens having made a secret deal with the []
Do you remember the Millenium bug the messed up so many computers . . not . . .Hmmmm
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Profile Grant (SSSF)

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Message 102395 - Posted: 13 Aug 2021, 19:42:39 UTC - in response to Message 102382.  

Do you remember the Millenium bug the messed up so many computers . . not . . .Hmmmm
A good example of faulty thinking.
The millennium bug was a major issue, that was known about in advance and mitigations were put in place, new software written to remove the issue completely.
Th end result was there were some minor issues for some businesses. While the ridiculous end of the world scenarios that were churned out in endless telemovies were never going to occur if nothing had been done there would have been huge disruptions to society if the bug hadn't been addressed.
And people would have complained & bitched about why nothing was done to stop the problems from occurring. Well, things were done to stop the problems from occurring, and the result is fools that consider the millennium bug to have been a hoax.
Darwin NT
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Message 102399 - Posted: 15 Aug 2021, 1:08:31 UTC

I will allow you to `bug` me on that one
I was/ am taking the light simple view of it [I don't have any choice . . . . . ]
you have forced me to retaliate by digging out an old .doc possibly from seti cafe
this copy is only from 2014 but it started long before that :)
Named "computer doom time"

Remember Y2k

Well it's not over:

2020: January 1: Systems still using 1920 as pivot date fail; Macintoshes running System 6.0.4 or earlier - correct date can no longer be set in Date & Time Control Panel

2030: January 1: Systems still using 1930 as pivot date fail.

2036: January 1: Burroughs Unisys A Series system date fails?

2036: February 6: 2^32 seconds from Jan 1, 1900.

2037: January 1: Rollover date for NTP systems

2038: January 19: Unix: 2^31 seconds from Jan 1, 1970

2040: February 6: At 06:28:16, old Macs' longword seconds from Jan 1, 1904 overflow.

2042: September 17: IBM 370 TOD clock overflows. One source lists this as the 18th (?)

2044: January 1: MS-DOS: 2^6 years from 1980, setting the most significant bit (MSB). Signed variables using this get a negative date.

2046: January 1: Amiga system date failure

2046: June 8: Some Unix password aging fails; 62^2 weeks from 1970.

2049: December 31: Microsoft Project 95 limit.

2078: December 31: MS Excel 7.0 - the last day

2079: June 6: 2^16 days from January 1, 1900

2080: January 1: MS-DOS file dates, displayed with two-digit years, become ambiguous.

2100: Y2.1K; most current PC BIOSes run out of dates; MS-DOS <DIR> renders the file-date years 2100 through 2107 as 99.

2100: February 28: last day of February - NOT a leap year

2106: February 7: Unix: 2^32 seconds from Jan 1, 1970; time overflows at 06:28:16.

2108: January 1: MS-DOS 2^7 years from 1980; file date overflows

2738: November 28: Approximate day of A.D. 1 million (days)

4338: November 28: COBOL-85 integer day 1,000,000 (10^6) exceeds six-digit field

9999: HTTP caching fails.

10000: January 1: Y10K!! Four-digit years fail. More time will elapse between the time this document was written and this date than has elapsed from the beginning of modern human civilization until now.

29602: January 1: MS Windows NT File Systems (NTFS) fails.

29940: New Macs' signed 64-bit time fails (has been OK since 30,081 B.C.!!)

31086: July 31: Internal DEC VMS time fails at 02:48:05.47

60056: Win32 64-bit time fails (started from Jan 1, 1601)
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Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Rosetta preparedness for Atlantic Tsunami (maybe 4 to 6 weeks away from posting date...)

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